A residence permit and a permanent settlement permit provide the basis for secure residence in Germany and in Europe (as an EC long-term residence permit). If problems arise in this regard with the immigration authorities, a person’s entire right to remain in Germany may be at stake. Difficulties may arise for example if the authorities do not wish to grant a residence permit because the applicant’s passport is no longer valid or if it is not possible to furnish proof of sufficient income.
The individuals involved have often held “exceptional leave to remain” (Duldung) for a number of years, whilst the authorities continue to delay the issue of a residence permit. Here a good lawyer will help you get your residence permit. It makes a significant difference if the lawyer knows the case officers at the public authority.
Dr. Leupolt will deal with issues relating to your residence permit and your right to reside in Germany. He will represent you before the immigration authorities, and if needed be also in court. He has been practising in the area of immigration law for a number of years.